Tuesday, May 4, 2021

The Best Horror Movies of 1995

The Top Ten

Demon Knight
A man on the run is hunted by a demon known as the Collector.

The Prophecy
At the scene of a bizarre murder, a Los Angeles homicide detective discovers a lethal heavenly prophecy now being fulfilled on earth. In his fight to stop the forces of evil, he finds an unlikely ally in an elementary school teacher.

Lord of Illusions
A private detective gets more than he bargains for when he encounters Philip Swan, a performer whose amazing illusions captive the world, but they are not really what everyone thinks.

Castle Freak
A man struggles to save his family from the strange and deadly occurrences in the castle they've inherited.

A skeptical professor visits a remote British estate to debunk allegations of psychic phenomena but soon finds himself haunted by a ghost from his own past.

Sam has broken up with his girlfriend, and his father has recently died. World-weary and sloppy drunk, he finds temporary solace in the arms of Anna, a mysterious vampire who draws him away from his friends and into a web of addiction and madness.

An agoraphobic psychologist and a female detective must work together to take down a serial killer who copies serial killers from the past.

The Addiction
A New York philosophy grad student turns into a vampire after getting bitten by one, and then tries to come to terms with her new lifestyle and frequent craving for human blood.

The Day of the Beast
Bent on committing as many sins as possible to avert the birth of the beast, a Catholic priest teams up with a Black Metal aficionado and an Italian connoisseur of the occult to become an unrelenting sinner.

Two detectives, a rookie and a veteran, hunt a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as his motives.

A guilty Pleasure
A group of scientists try to track down and trap a killer alien seductress before she successfully mates with a human.

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