Tuesday, May 4, 2021

The Best Horror Movies of 1994

The Top Ten

Red to Kill
A psychopathic rapist, who attacks women that wear red, runs a home for children with learning difficulties, and rapes a girl there who he sees wearing a red dress, leading to a revenge plot by the girl's social worker.

Night of the Demons 2
High school students throw a Halloween party in a mansion haunted by a young demon.

Publisher Will Randall becomes a werewolf and has to fight to keep his job.

Members of a dysfunctional family of vampires are trying to come to terms with each other in the wake of their father's death. Meanwhile, they are being hunted by Dr. Van Helsing and his hapless nephew. 

In the Mouth of Madness
An insurance investigator begins discovering that the impact a horror writer's books have on his fans is more than inspirational.

Cemetery Man
A cemetery man must kill the dead a second time when they become zombies.

Wes Craven's New Nightmare
A demonic force has chosen Freddy Krueger as its portal to the real world. Can Heather Langenkamp play the part of Nancy one last time and trap the evil trying to enter our world?

Mute Witness
A mute make-up artist working on a slasher movie being shot in Moscow is locked in the studio after hours. While there, she witnesses a brutal murder and must escape capture.

Interview with the Vampire
A vampire tells his epic life story: love, betrayal, loneliness, and hunger.

A law student starts working as nightwatchman at Department of Forensic Medicine in Copenhagen. His mad friend gets him on a game of dare that escalates. As a serial killer's victims start piling up at work, he becomes a suspect.

A Guilty Pleasure 

A teenager is part of an interactive video game where he kills innocent victims. Later, the murders become real.

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