Tuesday, May 4, 2021

The Best Horror Movies of 1997

The Top Ten

A law student, who takes a job as a night watchman at a morgue, begins to discover clues that implicate him as the suspect of a series of murders.

I Know What You Did
Last Summer
Four young friends bound by a tragic accident are reunited when they find themselves being stalked by a hook-wielding maniac in their small seaside town.

Event Horizon
A rescue crew investigates a spaceship that disappeared into a black hole and has now returned...with someone or something new on-board.

Alien: Resurrection
Two centuries after her death, Ellen Ripley is revived as a powerful human/alien hybrid clone. Along with a crew of space pirates, she must again battle the deadly aliens and stop them from reaching Earth.

Three years ago, an entomologist genetically created an insect to kill cockroaches carrying a virulent disease. Now, the insects are out to destroy their only predator, mankind.

Scream 2
Two years after the first series of murders, as Sidney acclimates to college life, someone donning the Ghostface costume begins a new string of killings.

Six complete strangers with widely varying personalities are involuntarily placed in an endless maze containing deadly traps.

Devil's Advocate
When a hotshot Florida lawyer accepts an offer to work for a New York City law firm, he and his wife find themselves on the receiving end of trouble when his boss turns out to be the Devil himself.

Funny Games
Two violent young men take a mother, father, and son hostage in their vacation cabin and force them to play sadistic games with one another for their own amusement.

A frustrated detective deals with several gruesome murders committed by people who have no recollection of what they've done.

A Guilty pleasure

The Relic
A homicide detective and an anthropologist try to destroy a South American lizard-like god, who's on a people eating rampage in a Chicago museum.

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